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Installing Nyx on Debian 12 Bookworm

Nyx is a command-line monitor for Tor. With this you can get detailed real-time information about your relay such as bandwidth usage, connections, logs, and much more.
start with installing it.
sudo apt install nyx
Next uncomment the following lines in your '/etc/tor/torrc' file by removing the leading hash tags
#ControlPort 9051
#CookieAuthentication 1
Now add yourself to the debian-tor group so Nyx has permission to read the status of TOR
sudo adduser $USER debian-tor
Finally restart the system
sudo shutdown -r now
That's it! Now you should be able to launch Nyx using the following command
Here's a lovely screenshot of Nyx in action
Nyx terminal
Uninstalling Nyx
Remove yourself from the debian-tor group
sudo deluser $USER debian-tor
Comment out the following two lines in your '/etc/tor/torrc' file by adding a single hashtag in front of them
ControlPort 9051
CookieAuthentication 1
Finally, Uninstall Nyx
sudo apt remove nyx
Fore more info
man nyx
Or visit the Nyx website
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