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Have you ever started Tor Browser and forgotten to configure your security setting to 'safest'? We're human and it happens. It can be a scary experience. Have you ever wished that Tails would stop changing your homepage for you in order to get more hits on their website? Well that's where Dark Tails comes in. You too can gain the safest settings on Tor Browser by default before the first launch by downloading and installing Dark Tails today! For more info see the readme file below. |
Click Here To Download Dark Tails! |
WHAT IS DARK TAILS? Dark Tails is the Tails operating system with a dark theme. Dark Tails automatically sets the homepage and security security level for Tor Browser before the first launch. - Choose your own wallpaper or use Themes. - Dark theme or theme of your choice. - No java script in Tor Browser by default. - Customize the homepage in Tor Browser HOW TO INSTALL DARK TAILS =-----------------------= boot Tails OS enable persistent storage enable dotfiles Download DarkTails (see notes below) Extract open terminal cd DarkTails/ ./ reboot unlock persistent storage Welcome To Dark Tails! =-----------------------= TESTING DARK TAILS if you have no persistent storage you can still test dark tails by using the ./ file right away after booting up your tails os. CREDITS I appreciate dutu from github who wrote the tails autostart scripts which enabled me to put dark tails together. Thanks dutu, you rock. Notes: Dark Tails was created by Morpheus. Download it from the following locations. http://owzfedcosfvkk7tucoaubwugb7fwpdjszfpllby5bwihrevzhykdwtid.onion/darktails.html |
DarkTails/ |
#!/bin/bash # This script is used to install the Tails-autostart utility. # It copies necessary files to their respective directories, and sets the appropriate permissions. persistence_dir="/live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked" autostart_dir="${persistence_dir}/dotfiles/.config/autostart" # Make sure we are running as 'amnesia' if test "$(whoami)" != "amnesia" then echo "You must run this program as 'amnesia' user." exit 1 fi # Get the directory where the current script resides src_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" # Check if ${autostart_dir} contains any files and delete them if it does mkdir -p "${autostart_dir}" files=$(find "$autostart_dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f) if [ -n "$files" ] || [ -e "$autostart_dir/tails-autostart" ]; then echo "Files found in installation directory '${autostart_dir}'. Deleting them..." rm -f "$files" rm -f "$autostart_dir/tails-autostart" 2>/dev/null fi echo "Copying files to autostart directory '${autostart_dir}'..." cp -af "${src_dir}/autostart/". "${autostart_dir}/" chmod +x "${autostart_dir}/tails-autostart/" chmod +x "${autostart_dir}/tails-autostart/" # Retrieve version from version-*.txt file in ${autostart_dir}/ version_file=$(find "${autostart_dir}/tails-autostart/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "version-*.txt" | head -n 1) version=$(echo "${version_file}" | grep -oP 'version-\K.*(?=\.txt)') red=$(tput setaf 1) green=$(tput setaf 2) reset=$(tput sgr0) echo -e "\n${green}Installed dark tails.${reset} If you want any scripts to run at startup as amnesia, put them in: ${green}${autostart_dir}/amnesia.d${reset}" # Check for *.sh files in ${autostart_dir}/amnesia.d/ amnesia_files=$(find "${autostart_dir}/amnesia.d/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.sh") if [ -n "$amnesia_files" ]; then echo -e "\n${red}LOOK! The following scripts were detected, which will be executed at the next Tails startup.${reset}" echo -e "\n${red}Please review these scripts before restarting Tails:${reset}" echo -e " " echo "${green}$amnesia_files${reset}" fi |
DarkTails/autostart/tails-autostart.desktop |
[Desktop Entry] Name=Tails-autostart GenericName=Tails Startup Script Comment=Run startup things when tails starts Exec=/bin/bash /home/amnesia/.config/autostart/tails-autostart/ Terminal=false Type=Application X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Categories=System; StartupNotify=false |
DarkTails/autostart/tails-autostart/ |
#!/bin/bash # This script runs the user scripts in amnesia.d directory. autostart_dir="/home/amnesia/.config/autostart" # Enable nullglob to treat non-matching globs as null strings, not literal strings, to ensure empty array if no matching file. shopt -s nullglob # Run non-root scripts bash -x "${autostart_dir}/tails-autostart/" amnesia |
DarkTails/autostart/tails-autostart/ |
#!/bin/bash # This script is used to execute all .sh files present in a user-specific # directory under home/amnesia/.config/autostart/. The user's name is passed as a parameter. user=$1 # User's name is passed as the first argument to the script. autostart_dir="/home/amnesia/.config/autostart" # Enable nullglob to treat non-matching globs as null strings, not literal strings, to ensure empty array if no matching file. shopt -s nullglob # Iterate over all .sh files in the user's directory. for file in "${autostart_dir}/${user}".d/*.sh do if [[ -x "$file" ]]; then # If the file is executable, Log the execution and execute the file logger "Executing ${file}..." "${file}" else # If the file is not executable, display an error dialog. zenity --error --text="The file ${file} is not executable" --title="Tails-autostart" fi done |
DarkTails/autostart/amnesia.d/ |
#!/bin/bash gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark |
DarkTails/autostart/amnesia.d/ |
#!/bin/bash gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita-dark' |
DarkTails/autostart/amnesia.d/user.js |
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://owzfedcosfvkk7tucoaubwugb7fwpdjszfpllby5bwihrevzhykdwtid.onion"); user_pref("browser.security_level.security_custom", false); user_pref("browser.security_level.security_slider", 1); |
DarkTails/autostart/amnesia.d/ |
#!/bin/bash gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri 'file:///usr/share/desktop-base/joy-theme/wallpaper/gnome-background.xml' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri-dark 'file:///usr/share/desktop-base/joy-theme/wallpaper/gnome-background.xml' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options wallpaper |
DarkTails/autostart/amnesia.d/ |
#!/bin/bash # Turn off gnome terminal system colors cat << EOF | dconf load /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/ [/] custom-keybindings=['/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/', '/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom1/'] [custom-keybindings/custom1] binding=' |
DarkTails/autostart/amnesia.d/ |
#!/bin/bash FILE=/live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/autostart/amnesia.d/user.js if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then cp /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/autostart/amnesia.d/user.js /home/amnesia/.tor-browser/profile.default/ else cp ./autostart/amnesia.d/user.js /home/amnesia/.tor-browser/profile.default/ fi |
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Our Onion: http://owzfedcosfvkk7tucoaubwugb7fwpdjszfpllby5bwihrevzhykdwtid.onion |
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